Planning tool

Our planning tool provides you with an initial overview of the bathroom renovation possibilities and an initial cost indication from our bathroom masters

Answering the questions will only take 5 minutes of your time.

If you are unsure about one or more questions, simply answer according to your feelings. Before an order is actually placed, our BathMasters will go through every detail with you once again.

Start planning

Aufnahme Wohnobjekt

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung

As a first step, please provide a few details about your current living situation. This will enable us to better estimate the scope of the work.

What is your current living situation?

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung House
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Apartment

If you live in a rented apartment, please discuss the project with your landlord in advance and then contact us together. We always require the owner's order confirmation for implementation in rented apartments.

On which floor is the bathroom to be renovated located?

First floor
Upper floor
Top floor

In which year was your house/apartment built?


Has your bathroom been renovated in the last 20 years?


Aufnahme aktueller Badbestand

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung

In order to be able to advise you even better, please tell us the key data of the bathroom to be renovated.

How big is the bathroom to be renovated?

< 3 qm
4-7 qm
7-12 qm
> 12 qm

You are not 100% sure? No problem, we will take professional measurements of your bathroom for you before actually placing the order.

How is your current bathroom equipped?

(multiple selection possible)

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Washbasin
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Bathtub
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Shower
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Toilet
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Bidet
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Urinal
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Radiators
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Underfloor heating

Aufnahme Renovierungswünsche

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung

Now tell us the areas in your bathroom that need to be renovated and select the desired scope of the renovation.

Which areas should your new bathroom include?

You can enter this information regardless of the current inventory. For example, if you have a bathtub and would like a new shower, simply select Shower.

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Washing area
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Bathing area
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Shower area
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Toilet

Washing area

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Single washbasin
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Double washbasin
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung On the washbasin
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung from the wall
(multiple selection possible)
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung no furniture
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Washstand top
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Base cabinet
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Mirror cabinet
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Additional cupboard

Shower area

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Walk-In
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Closed
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Surface-mounted with hand shower i The fitting is mounted in front of the wall, on the wall surface. The entire technology is located in front of the wall. As a rule, the hot and cold water connections are installed horizontally. The advantage is quick and easy installation and later removal.
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Surface-mounted with hand and overhead shower i The fitting is mounted in front of the wall, on the wall surface. The entire technology is located in front of the wall. As a rule, the hot and cold water connections are installed horizontally. The advantage is quick and easy installation and later removal.
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Concealed with overhead shower i The fitting is mounted in the wall. Here, the technology is integrated into the wall. Only the controls are visible on the wall surface. The advantage is that it is easier to clean than surface-mounted fittings and allows more design options thanks to the free arrangement of the fittings in the shower.

Bathing area

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Wall standing
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Freestanding
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Surface-mounted i The fitting is mounted in front of the wall, on the wall surface. The entire technology is located in front of the wall. As a rule, the hot and cold water connections are installed horizontally. The advantage is quick and easy installation and later removal.
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Flush-mounted i The fitting is mounted in the wall. Here, the technology is integrated into the wall. Only the controls are visible on the wall surface. The advantage is that it is easier to clean than surface-mounted fittings and allows more design options thanks to the free arrangement of the fittings in the shower.


WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Stand-WC
WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung Wand-WC
Shower toilet
A shower toilet is a toilet with an integrated bidet function for a pleasant intimate wash.

Other work

Other work includes work on the floor, walls or heating. So that we can estimate the costs in detail, please indicate whether you require any work here.

Wir bei WunderWorks setzten bei neuen Boden und Wandbelägen ausschließlich auf fugenlose Panele.
At WunderWorks, we rely on stretch lacquer ceilings when renovating ceilings. These are high-quality special films that can be applied to the existing ceiling easily and without great effort.
Underfloor heating

Aufnahme Budgetvorstellung

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung

Damit unsere Badmaster noch genauer auf Ihre Wünsche eingehen können benötigen wir von Ihnen noch ein paar Angaben zum Budget.

Planen Sie Arbeiten selbst durchzuführen?

Sollten Sie eine Teil der Arbeiten selbstständig durchführen, können Sie die Gesamtkosten senken.

How much budget have you planned for your bathroom renovation?

5.000 € - 10.000 €
10.000 € - 15.000 €
15.000 € - 20.000 €
more than 20.000 €

Möchten Sie uns darüber hinaus noch etwas mitteilen oder haben Sie konkrete Fragen?

Upload Bestandsbilder (optional)

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung

Damit wir Ihnen ein auf Ihre Bedürfnisse maßgeschneidertes Angebot erstellen können, benötigen wir noch ein paar Eindrücke aus Ihrem jetzigen Bestand.

Diese können Sie folgend problemlos hochladen oder direkt mit dem Smartphone aufnehmen.

Bilder vom Bestand jetzt bereitstellen
Ohne Bilder-Upload fortfahren

Aufnahme Kontaktdaten

WunderWorks - WunderWorks Badsanierung

Thank you for the detailed answers to the questions.

Unser Team wird umgehend Ihr persönliches Angebot inklusiver einer Kostenschätzung erstellen. Lassen Sie uns bitte noch Ihre Kontaktdaten da, damit wir Ihnen die entsprechenden Informationen zukommen lassen können.

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Wo liegt das zu sanierende Objekt?

Your summary

Für die Sanierung Ihres Badezimmers können Sie mit Kosten
von € bis € rechnen.

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